Grand Rapids, MI — In place of its planned three-city RiderFest tour, TerraTrike is hosting a series of three virtual rides through its Strava club, qualifying all trikers and bikers for a grand prize giveaway. The winner will receive their pick from TerraTrike’s new line, including the soon-to-be-released Spyder and GTS (giveaway excludes tandem models).

TerraTrike Virtual RiderFest 2020 takes place on three dates: April 24, Atlanta, Ga.; May 30, Grand Rapids, Mich.; June 27, Cleveland, Ohio. Members of the TerraTrike Isolation Riders club on Strava will earn an entry into the grand prize drawing for the winner’s TerraTrike model of choice. Participating in all three events will qualify riders for an extra entry (for a total of four entries).

As a shout out to virtual venues, local riders will get double entries for participating in their home state’s ride – for example, all Georgia riders will receive two entries for taking part in the April 24 Atlanta ride. Maximum number of entries is five.

“TerraTrike RiderFest started as a real-life event, and when we realized we couldn’t do it that way, we wanted to keep the local flavor and offer a little something extra to locals at the original tour stops,” said TerraTrike Marketing Director Marshall Randall. “We want everyone in Atlanta, Grand Rapids and Cleveland to know that we plan on bringing back real-life RiderFest as soon as it’s safe to do so, and we encourage everyone to stay safe above all else, but to get out there locally or on a stationary trainer and get some riding in with us.”

To take part in Virtual RiderFest 2020 and earn an entry into the grand prize drawing, trikers and bikers need to join the TerraTrike Isolation Riders club on Strava, take a safe local – or stationary – ride on the day of a Virtual RiderFest event, screenshot that ride on Strava and send it to The final drawing will take place on June 28, 2020 on The Laid Back Report and on